Maples include Armstrong, Autumn Blaze, Autumn Flame, Brandywine, Celebration, Crimson King, October Glory, Red Pointe, Red Sunset, Sienna Glen, Sugar Maple, Sun Valley, Tataricum
Autumn Brilliance
Birches include Heritage Clump, Heritage Single Stem, Whitespire Clump
American Hornbeam, European Hornbeam
Red Bud Clump, Eastern Redbud Tree
Bald Cypress
Crusander Hawthorne
Skyline Locust
Moran Sweet Gum, Slender silhouette
Tulip Tree
Sweet Bay Magnolia
Gladiator, Lollipop, Perfect Purple, Prairie Fire, Profusion Crab, Purple Prince, Robinison, Royal Raindrops, Snowdrift, Spring Snow, Starlite, Sugar Tyme
Dawn Redwood
Unfortunately, due to insurance considerations, we cannot allow individuals to pick out their trees on our farm. You can rest assured that our staff will select the best trees you are looking for. Customers are allowed on the farm by appointment only.
Wildfire Blackgum
Black Hills Spruce, Norway Spruce, Myers Spruce, Balsam Fir, Serbian Spruce, White Spruce, White Pine
Exclamation London Planetree
Canada Red, K.U. Plum, Kwanzan, Snow Fountain Cherry, Snow Goose Cherry, Yoshino Cherry
Burr Oak, Pin Oak, Red Oak, Regal Prince, Shumard Oak, Swamp Oak
Reticulata Ivory Silk Lilac, Meyeria Miss Kim on std
Bald Cypress
Greenspire Linden, Sterling Silver Linden, Redmond Linden
Elegantissima arborvitae
Emerald green arborvitae
Green giant arborvitae
Accolade Elm, Frontier Elm, Prospector Elm, Patriot Elm, Prinston Elm
Green Vase
As former landscapers, we know what it takes to get the job done, and we work closely with landscapers and wholesale nurseries to assist them.
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